Windows 2.x

Ah, yes, the sequel (in movie terms). The Windows 2.x series doesn’t follow the same trend as most movie sequels because it was actually an improvement to the 1.x series. It ran faster, smother, had overlapping windows, had a control panel (which still survives to this day), and was customizable. When it comes to the numbering, it doesn’t follow the same trend as the 1.x series. Instead we start off with Windows 2.03 (not windows 2.01), then we go to windows 2.86.

Windows 2.03 (December 9, 1987)

king advantage of the speed of Intel 286/386 processor at that time, Windows 2.03 is a replacement for Windows 1.x. It also starts the era where users are able to overlap windows, customize screens, etc. “ (Lim, 2017) This OS used, at most 2.5 MB of disk space. Also “Numerous applications made their debuts in Windows 2.0, including Control Panel, Paint, Notepad, and two of the Office cornerstones: Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.” (Ward, 2019) Next we have…

Windows 2.86

“This is the third major released of Microsoft Windows with an improved set of Windows icons and applications like File Manager, Program Manager that is still being used in today’s Windows. This 22 May 1990 released operating system is then replaced by Windows 3.1 two years later.” (Lim, 2017)