Windows 9x

Ah, The 90’s, when Bill Clinton was president, Pokémon had just been released and Yugi-oh followed, punk rock was becoming more popular, MTV was all the rage, the internet started becoming more common, and windows had introduced a start menu. We go from Windows NT 3.51 Workstation to Windows 98 after that, you’ll see no pattern with Microsoft’s names of the OSes. It’s time for us to duel and for us to forget about all other forms of Windows as we head back into the 90’s.

Windows NT 3.51 (May,30th,  1995)

The Windows NT Workstation 3.5 release provided the highest degree of protection yet for critical business applications and data. With support for the OpenGL graphics standard, this operating system helped power high-end applications for software development, engineering, financial analysis, scientific, and business-critical tasks (Lim, 2017)” Windows NT 3.51 was released on May, 30th 1995 and there were many changes to the operating system to make it more secure as stated by HongKait.

Windows 95 (August 24th, 1995)

Windows 95 was released in 1995 and according to HongKait “Previously code-named Chicago, Windows 95 is a successor to all the existing Windows operating system so far. It gives full graphical user interface support, integrated a 32-bit TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) stack for built-in Internet support, dial-up networking, and new Plug and Play capabilities that made it easy for users to install hardware and software.” (Lim, 2017)

Windows NT 4.0/ Server 4.0 (July 1996)

Windows NT 4.0 had all the features of Windows 95 but also “Windows NT Workstation 4.0 included the popular Windows 95 user interface yet provided improved networking support for easier and more secure access to the Internet and corporate intranets.” (Lim, 2017) Windows NT server 4.0 was meant to be used for making servers but it has all the same features as Windows NT 4.0.

Windows 98 (1998)

Windows 98, the last good Windows operating system based on MS-DOS. According to the Guardian “Windows 98 built on Windows 95 and brought with it IE 4, Outlook Express, Windows Address Book, Microsoft Chat and NetShow Player, which was replaced by Windows Media Player 6.2 in Windows 98 Second Edition in 1999.” (Gibbs, 2014) Also “Windows 98 introduced the back and forward navigation buttons and the address bar in Windows Explorer, among other things. One of the biggest changes was the introduction of the Windows Driver Model for computer components and accessories – one driver to support all future versions of Windows. USB support was much improved in Windows 98 and led to its widespread adoption, including USB hubs and USB mice.” (Gibbs, 2014)